We offer various psychological services, such as individual, couples and group psychotherapy; psychological testing and evaluations; cognitive assessments and fitness for duty exams. We accept all major Health Insurance Plans, including PPO, HMO, EPO.
We provide psychological services to people who have Medicare, regardless of their age. When needed we may offer treatments to residents in nursing homes or assisted living facilities. We accept also Medicare advantage.
Geriatric issues like Alzheimer, cognitive impairments, dementia, Parkison's disease and age related cognitive difficulties, schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorders are all conditions that we can treat effectively, aiming at helping the individual to regain hope and optimism aside of the severity of her illness.
We treat a wide range of addiction disorders and chemical dependencies. We combine solution focused techniques with an analytic exploration of the causes originating these issues, without leaving out any important aspects.
Substance abuses and chemical dependencies impair the cognitive and social life of many people. We offer individual and group therapy to let people chose freely what better fits his or her personality and preferences.
While it is normal to feel anxious during demanding situations, anxiety can easily become overwhelming and these worries can impact the normal life. We can treat anxiety effectively, to regain control of your life.
Anxiety is a well known disorder and thus very well studied, hence we have training and understanding of its mechanism of actions. This means that the treatments for anxiety (and related disorders) are very specific, tailored to situations, symptoms and intensity, and truly effective!
Depression can bring people to face the darkest moments of their life and the toll it takes on anyone's joy leaves speechless. The feeling of being constantly unhappy, hopeless and afraid of the future is scary and can weary you down.
Depression is a serious and debilitating condition; millions suffer every year and heal. It can take some time to feel completely cured, but its treatment is very effective. In general people start to notice improvements after just few psychotherapy sessions (usually 3 to 6 sessions).